
Bunions: Signs and Symptoms

Bunions may present symptoms or it may go asymptomatic, or symptom-free at all. It presents big problems to the foot, especially when wearing shoes or walking around. Some symptoms are listed below. Foot Pain This is the most frequent symptom of a bunion, or a Hallux Vagus. It involves the affected area, especially when walking Continue Reading >>

Bunions: Treatment

Treatment {loadposition contactformraw} A variety of surgical and non-surgical treatments could be used to treat bunions. Interventions that don’t suggest surgery include resting the foot by avoiding excessive walking and wearing loose (wider) shoes or sandals that can oftentimes relieve the irritating pain produced by a bunion. An advantage of wearing walking shoes over high Continue Reading >>

Knee Arthroscopic Surgery – Treatment

Treatments and Aftercare {loadposition contactformraw} Ligament and Patellar Surgeries In scenarios where there is knee displacement or severe damage of the ligaments, Arthroscopic surgery is done often with ligament grafting. It involves getting a tendon tissue to be utilized for grafting and for creating holes in the femur, tibia or in the two bones with Continue Reading >>

Knee Arthroscopic Surgery

  INTRODUCTION A procedure performed in the knee-joint area, Knee Arthroscopic Surgery is involved in making a small incision in the skin to repair tissue injuries in bones, tissues and ligaments surrounding the knee and joint. By using an arthroscope, a small instrument used along a guiding lighted scope connected to a television screen. By Continue Reading >>
Joseph Isaacson

Surgical Surgery Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after spine surgery is necessary to help patients gain the most benefit from their surgery. Initially, rehabilitation is helpful for patients to recover from the surgery as quickly and effectively as possible. A physical therapist typically work with the patient to help him get back into better physical condition. Controlling Pain after Spine Surgery- Continue Reading >>

Spine Surgery

Spine Surgery {loadposition contactformraw} Spine surgery is a rare initial treatment for back pain but there are some emergencies that are likely to require surgical treatment. In majority of patients, such surgery is considered after a long course of traditional and conservative therapy. As back pain usually takes some time to resolve, rushing to spine Continue Reading >>


Local therapies such as Surgery and radiation therapy only remove cancer cells in the area that has been treated. Chemotherapy is a systemic therapy since it has the potential to kill cancer cells found in any part of the body. Medical Treatments Radiation Therapy A high-energy ray-like radiation can get rid of cancer cells and Continue Reading >>

Cosmetic Foot Surgery Los Angeles, Beverly Hills

As society becomes increasingly appearance-conscience, people are paying attention to parts of their bodies they had previously overlooked. While cosmetic surgery was most commonly used to improve and enhance the appearance of the face, the popularity of having elective cosmetic procedures has now spread throughout the body – most recently to the feet. A recent Continue Reading >>

Bunion Surgery Beverly Hills Los Angeles

A bunion is the term given to a knot that appears on the side of the foot, just to the side of the lowest joint of the largest toe. The knot is made up of bone and soft tissue and appears when the largest toe has been pushed inward toward the other toes for an Continue Reading >>

Overactive Bladder

A symptom of an overactive bladder can be the sudden urge to urinate . The urge may be difficult to suppress, which can lead to the involuntary loss of urine, also known as  incontinence. For those who aren’t affected by this condition, an overactive bladder may seem like a minor inconvenience, but for the 25 Continue Reading >>

Pterygium Excision

A pterygium is a wing-shaped growth that can occur on the eye and eventually cover and alter the shape of the cornea. Pterygia consist of abnormal conjunctival tissue (the membrane that covers the eye) .  Pterygia can be small or grow large enough to affect a person’s vision. It is not clear why pterygia form, Continue Reading >>

Colorectal Cancer Screening

Colorectal cancer is a cancer that affects two components of the lower digestive system – the colon and the rectum. Colorectal cancer usually presents in the form of per-cancerous polyps in the colon or rectum. Because they are still in their per-cancerous or benign state, these potentially deadly polyps often produce no symptoms until they Continue Reading >>