Piriformis Muscle Injection

podiatry-la-peer-healthThe doctors of La Peer Health Systems’ Pain Management Department recognize that piriformis muscle pain can cause patients a great deal of discomfort while impeding their ability to perform everyday activities. If you’re experiencing persistent pain in the buttocks, thigh, leg or lower back, you may be suffering from Piriformis Syndrome. However, you don’t have to live with chronic pain. Contact our experienced pain management physicians today for more information about piriformis muscle injections to relieve your discomfort.


Piriformis Syndrome occurs when pain from the piriformis muscle affects the sciatic nerve. Sufferers may experience pain in the affected buttock, thigh and leg. Although the causes of Pitiformis Syndrome are often not known, the condition frequently affects athletes and those who have had previous surgeries near the piriformis muscle.


A piriformis muscle injection can help temporarily relieve the pain associated with Piriformis Syndrome by paralyzing the muscle to stop the spasms. During the procedure, your physician will ask you to lie on your good side with knees bent toward your chest. The doctor will press on the muscles of the buttock to find the area where the muscles and nerves are most inflamed.

Using fluoroscopic X-ray guidance, the physician will first use a needle to inject radiographic dye; by injecting the dye first, doctors can ensure that the medicine goes to the right place. Once the correct position is identified, your physician will inject the steroid and remove the needle. While patients may not feel the full effects of the procedure for 3-7 days, the pain relief can last provided by piriformis steroid injection can last for a long time.


Q: How does piriformis muscle injection work to relieve my pain?

A: Piriformis muscle injections relieve pain by temporarily paralyzing the afflicted muscle to stop the spasms.

Q: How do I prepare for my piriformis muscle procedure?

A: You may need to cease taking certain medications including blood thinners before your injection to avoid an unlikely case of excessive bleeding. You may also be told not to eat or drink anything for a period of time before having the procedure. Your physician will provide you with detailed instructions when you schedule your piriformis muscle injection.

Q: What happens after my piriformis muscle injection procedure?

A: After remaining in our recovery room for a short period of time, you will be free to leave the facility, though you should arrange for a friend or relative to drive you home.

Q: What are the risks associated with piriformis muscle injection?

A: Piriformis muscle injection is a safe procedure. However, the following unlikely complications can occur: allergic reactions, infections, increased pain.

Q: Will I need to have the injection again?

A: In some cases, patients will need to have repeated injections over a 6-8 week period while also undergoing physical therapy. Your doctor will sit down with you to discuss more detailed instructions regarding your personal recovery.


Chronic pain in and around the piriformis muscle can seriously impede your ability to perform everyday activities. Schedule a consultation with our pain management specialists online or by calling 855.360.9119.

Next, read about Lumbar Epidural.